
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Chicken Salad

2 cans (12.5oz each) chicken, or 3 cups cooked chicken
1 package (8oz) cream cheese
¼ cup sour cream
2-3 celery stocks, chopped
1 cup grapes, quartered
½ chopped pecans
½ teaspoon salt
6-8 avocados
2 limes

In a medium bowl combine the chicken, cream cheese, and sour cream, mix well. Add the celery, grapes, pecans, and salt. Mix to combine, set aside. Slice the avocados in half length-wise and remove the pit. Spoon the chicken salad into avocados, heaping them full. Squeeze a little lime juice over the tops to serve. Enjoy!

Enjoy leftover chicken salad in tortillas or on bread.

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